This evening I sorted through a long-ignored box of cassettes. I figure I have maybe fifteen or twenty tapes that definitely have miscellaneous old band/project material from Winnipeg -- Man Does Not Become Wolf, Suture, headsortales, Random Summer, the Funky Chancellors of Direct Power, Wedge, material for Moment:Device shows...
Added to the ten or fifteen unlabeled cassettes that may contain something, that's probably twenty-five to forty hours of music that mostly hasn't been heard for well over a decade.
Quite a bit of that will be repeated songs and pieces. Some of it is so poorly recorded that even today it would be hard to release. But from memory, I'm pretty confident there's got to be at least ten to fifteen hours of interesting stuff.
It looks like I'm going to need a decent tape player. If I can review all of this, digitize the salvageable pieces, clean up the sound a bit, and get it archived on the internet...
Well, if I do that it'll be archived on the internet. But at least it will be accessible.
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